Workshop: Light up the room with a DIY LED earrings, pendant or brooch

Having some success during the Hong Kong Maker Faire 2018, we are renewing this workshop at Dim Sum Labs space in Sheung Wan.

LED Earrings by Dim Sum LabsUse some very basic electronics knowledge and skills to create your very own light-up earrings, pendant or brooch using LEDs. Use (or learn on-the-spot) some basic soldering skills to create a bright, fun accessory.

You could do this a follow on to our simple LED earrings workshop to a create matching set.



In order to help us prepare the right amount of sets, please fill up the form at the bottom of this page:


    Important information

    • Address:   14/F, Kong Ling Building 100 Jervois Street, Hong Kong
    • Date:   8th of August 2018
    • Time:   19:30 till 21:00
    • Fee:   150 HKD per attendee, 75 HKD for Dim Sum Labs members