Workshop: Introduction to Git – May 30th 2018

Github OctocatGit is a version control system for tracking changes in computer files and coordinating work on those files among multiple people.

It is primarily used for source code management in software development, but it can be used to keep track of changes in any set of files.


Want to learn how to use Git but wondering where to begin?

Dim Sum Labs is running a workshop series to introduce Git to new users via hands-on exercises on your own laptop spread over 3 Wednesdays from the 30th of May till the 13th of June 2018.


During the workshop you will be learning about:

  1. Installing and configuring Git
  2. Creating your own git repositories
  3. Basic use of your git repository
  4. Git and Github
  5. Cloning other repositories
  6. Collaborating with other people
  7. Managing branches
  8. Recovering when git gets you lost
  9. Github accounts and workflow
  10. Working with others on Github


Important details

  • Fee: 150 HKD per day
  • Time: 20:00  to 21:30
  • Dates:
    • Part #1: Wednesday 30th May,
    • Part #2: Wednesday 6th June,
    • Part #3: Wednesday 13th June
  • Logistics: Bring your laptop
  • Registration compulsory via the PayPal link below:

Number of Days