Playing with cables – 2025-01-25

Eli giving his talk on cable-driven robots

Engineer-artist Eli Silver popped over from Shenzhen to tell us about his latest experiments with cable driven parallel robots and their use in art and tech. He had announced his talk with a question: “What happens when we use our built environment as the structure of a robot?” We were shown examples of robots at …

Counting device on a breadboard – 2024-12-10

For a workshop during our weekly HackJam open night, Sadale brought electronics kits that he designed and got produced. We followed the instructions and were rewarded with a circuit that can count up to three: You press a button, and the next LED will light up. There are three LEDs, and there is a reset …

Bamboo & Banyans: Prototyping – 2023-07-01

Bamboo & Banyans Architectural Prototyping

We started with laser cutting parts for a model of the squatter house ruin visited during our session in May. There were five participants, Simon and his two children as well as Effy and Victoria. Meanwhile I gave an introduction to living architecture and to our site. In the second part of the workshop, participants …