Hong Kong Open Source Hardware Meetup on March 19 at 8pm

For anyone interested in open source hardware: Arduino, Raspberry Pi, BeagleBoard, Galileo, etc… Meet like minded people, share information, discover new cool things and show your latest hardware creations. No limits imposed on your creativity: robotics, home automation, aircraft model control, sensors devices, audio and video apps, Digital Signal Processing, Machine To Machine, etc… Join …

Arduino introduction workshop 25 March 2015

UPDATE: the workshop went well, with 7 participants; keep an eye on HackJam and this website for the next edition! To celebrate international Arduino Day we’ll have a hands-on Arduino introduction workshop on Wed eve 25 March 2015. We’ll introduce you to the basic Arduino setup and terminology of the world’s favourite open-source electronics prototyping platform, …

HackJam – Special Guests Ben Goertzel and David Hanson

Ben Goertzel is really into singularity (http://wp.goertzel.org/), while David Hanson is known for all things robotic (http://www.hansonrobotics.com/). First up is our little chat with Ben – read on for more. Get to know more by stopping by HackJam this Tuesday ! Ben Goertzel >>>>> What were your very first making/hacking moments ? As a kid …


Every Monday at Dim Sum Labs is MakerMonday where the Arts & Crafts world can come, learn, create and bloom!  We invite makers of all stripes to come on Monday at 8PM and begin achieving their DIY dreams.  We have a full range of tools, experts and space enough to do almost anything you can conceive …

Introduction to Origami, Workshop #1

We will be learning how to create Origami sculptures (e.g. Cranes, Sail boats, …).  We will then introduce the sonobe module to create build-able 3D pieces. Host:  Dennis Tsoi Date:  Saturday, June 15, 2013 Time:  7:00pm to 9:00pm Location:  Dim Sum Labs (see directions in sidebar) Cost: