Date / Time: Tuesday, September 4, 8:30 PM to 9:30 PM OpenStreetMap (OSM) is an open-source worldwide mapping platform, built by community volunteer geographers. Started 14 years ago, the project now covers the whole planet, often in incredible detail. Now with over 1 million active contributors, OpenStreetMap is used on thousands of sites and apps, including for hiking, …
Read More “Presentation: A Hackers Introduction to OpenStreetMap”
Date / Time: Thursday, August 30, 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM About Hype Explainers – Lots of techy buzz words, hypes, fashions can be confusing. In this series, we will explain things and take the magic out of hypes in the hope to see the real underlying value that is often so hard to see if watching …
Read More “Presentation: Hype Explainers – Machine learning, Deep learning and Artificial intelligence”
Date / Time: Sunday, August 26, 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM Mostly covered up by pretty cases, virtually all of today’s technology depends on some kind of electric circuitry. In our soldering workshop we decrease the distance between the participant and the circuit. You will solder the components – including an LED, battery, switch and resistors and bring …
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Date / Time : Tuesday, August 21, 8:30 PM to 9:00 PM During this week’s Hackjam, we’ll have a brief overview and discussion about the recent “foreshadow” intel CPU vulnerability – what is it, how’s it being exploited and how can you protect yourself. Attendance is free, donations appreciated.
Join us, bring any old broken electronics, and train your creativity and skills. After our Take-apart event in July, have more fun and turn components into something else. We will propose some ideas but also invite everyone to challenge what has already been done. The DSL team’s skills and tools will be there to help …
Read More “Workshop: After Take-Apart – Reinvent!”
Aim This workshop is for people with basic knowledge of Arduino or does have attended our Introduction to Arduino previously. You will continue your adventures with Arduino. If you have joined one of our hands-on introduction workshops and want to dig a bit deeper into using libraries and writing Arduino code, this workshop will show …
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Having some success during the Hong Kong Maker Faire 2018, we are renewing this workshop at Dim Sum Labs space in Sheung Wan. Use some very basic electronics knowledge and skills to create your very own light-up earrings, pendant or brooch using LEDs. Use (or learn on-the-spot) some basic soldering skills to create a bright, …
Read More “Workshop: Light up the room with a DIY LED earrings, pendant or brooch”
Aim of the workshop The first aim is to introduce to you the use of the software Inkscape, a free open-source software, available for all platforms (Linux, Mac and Windows). The software is similar in use and functionality to other may be more well known software such as CorelDraw and Adobe Illustrator. The second is …
Read More “Workshop: Introduction to Inkscape and the Laser Cutter”