Maker: Gripbeats – Body Percussion

Gripbeats logo

This week during our HackJam, we will have a presentation by David Wexler from Gripbeats on the product that he and his team is developing here in Hong Kong. The product was inspired by body percussion. A method of creating drum sounds using only your own fingers, hands and body. When properly mastered, a player can play the backing drums to any of the songs that she/he wants!

To enhance their team they are looking to hire part-time and then potentially part of the team once the product is launched 2 people:

  1. an expert MIDI engineer
  2. a Design artist with expertise in textile electronics and wearable

If you are interested in the above positions or to participate at the presentations, come to visit us at Dim Sum Labs on Tuesday the 28th of November 2017

Refreshments and a friendly atmosphere will be waiting for you there 🙂