HackJam Highlights: 2013-05-07

HackJam 2013-05-07 was a great success!  The room was packed with people planning project, starting projects, working on projects, demonstrating nearly finished projects, evaluating and receiving commercial products and visiting to see what all the excitement was about.  It went great!




HughW leading a NINJA BLOCKS workshop and also a NETDUINO demo (ask him for more info on that!)



New Member (Welcome!  Huan Ying!  ??!) AndyK demonstrating one of the *smallest* ways to get onto the latest trend:  The “Internet of things” with a teensy-weensy TPLink router!  Smaller than a deck of cards!




An impromptu RF group emerged last night, exploring how a person can manufacture their own home-made anntenas in the higher frequency bands.



A visitor from ISRAEL (BenH) was in the lab, bringing with him a wonderful project – a home brew RF antenna!  Needless to say, we got *very* busy on that one!  By the end of the night the antenna was up and running and receiving signals!


ManolisP was busy working with TomG on his new business startup Mechanical Amoeba, we wish Tom the best of luck!



HughW in full “Workshop Leader” mode!


Everyone, thank you very much for coming and supporting HackJam:


BrianS – who bought THREE (3) of our T-Shirts (HKD150 each) and also some fridge magnets (HKD10).  Thanks Brian!  Every little bit helps!

MatthewC –  who participated in the Ninja Blocks workshop – hope to see you again soon!

AndreasJ – thanks for coming!

FeiP – thanks for coming

StewartM – Thanks for bringing BenH, we can’t grow without new blood!


See everyone again next week!