HackJam – 2nd February 2016

This evening was busy with content.

1. RedBear

We had the team from RedBear coming up to deliver to our members who joined their kickstarter their ReadBear Duo and some individual gift.

2. Home-brewing

Then we move on with Ollow Swan from Beijing on ‘Home-brewing’. Ollow refresh our memory on what is beer, what it is made of and which components make its bitterness or sweetness. Then we moved on the equipment needed for such endeavor. A reminder on the time-frame showing us that beer manufacturing is a long process. – Presentation on Home-brewing by Ollow Swan


3. GNU Software

Hans Lachman presenting GNU SocialThe second person to do a presentation was Hans Lachman  on ‘GNU Social‘. He presented his views on the matter versus the corporate, closed social software system such as Facebook, twitter, Instagram, and so on. The discussion went on, on how we could if we could implement these GNU software to a wider number of people rather than just a few geeks.


4. Bio-hacking

Aurelien-Dailly-presenting-bio-hackingAurélien shared the experiences he had with the different hackerspace during his last trip in North America. He focus principally on all form of bio-hacking. You can found out more information on his website at: BioHacking Safari.