HackJam 28th of June 2016 – Musicology & Politics


MusicologyLuca did present us the project he is working on, which is creating a music surrounding system during indoors sports activity. He use data flow coming from different sensors that he attached to his body to generate music on the fly with no delay, his body became the ‘conductor’. I would not get into too much more details as Luca is still in the development process of his product.

You should participate in the next HackJam if you want more details on the current projects our members are working on.

Here a sample of music generated by his body with his system:





Muzammil M. HussainThe second presentation was done by Muzammil M. Hussain from the University of Michigan (USA). His introduction was a bit on a political side. He tried to show on the short time he was given (everybody was hungry and kind of more interested in the BBQ that was going to follow…) to present the research he was doing on the effect of the hacking of the technology used against government and their need to control population.