HackJam – 17th November 2015

Tonight we had presentations from 2 visitors:

  • Terence Tam from OpenBeam
  • Dr. Data Ng

Dr Data Ng made a presentation on the Positron and Neutrinos and the Lab he worked at, a tiny room between the 2 lanes of the Aberdeen Tunnel in Hong Kong – Gate 5. Dr Data Ng can be contacted at data(at)printact(dot)co.


Terence came to present its product OpenBeam: a scaled down, desktop sized version of extruded aluminum framing used in industry for rapidly prototyping and building machinery. The present include 8m of extruded aluminum in different length, some brackets, feet and screws. Members we have a new toy to play with. Terence explained that the brackets are made of fiberglass and plastic making them stronger. They are produced in Hong Kong while the extruded aluminum frames are from Taiwan which has a better Quality Control than USA.