Free LiV Workshop for DSL members on April 9 at 8pm

I am opening the series of LiV workshops in Hong Kong with a free workshop at Dim Sum Labs. I am offering this to Dim Sum Labs members only. I will also offer the workshop free of charge to the first three people who will join DSL before end of May.


There are still a couple of seats available so please get in touch with me if you are interested in the workshop. 


LiV is an open source hardware and software indoor air quality monitor. You can find info about LiV at


For the workshop, you will bring along a laptop, your Raspberry Pi, power supply and SD card. You will receive a free LiV Starter expansion board with the sensors and LCD screen. I will show you how to connect LiV to your Raspberry Pi, explain how the software works and give you some pointers on how to configure, use and develop software for LiV.
I am looking for people who own a Raspberry Pi and know how to use it (e.g. burn an image on the SD card, connect with ssh, edit files, etc…). The software development for LiV is done in Python. It would be great if you know Python or have some exposure to the language, but the main requirement is for you to know your way around on a Linux box.




I hope to see you at the workshop!