Project 2021- AI Physio Assistant

AI Physio Assistant

AI Physio Assistant is a project created by Kimberley Vanessa Cheung This is a virtual physiotherapy assistant to help improve the posture and back pain of users. This project uses a deep learning technique that detects the position and orientation of a person while they are doing the exercises.  It leverages mediapipe and python to …

Big projects at Dim Sum Labs for 2019

This year at Dim Sum Labs we are going to have one big project every 2 months or so. It already started since last month (February 2019). The schedule is as follow: February: Spider Robot April: Rocket June: CNC Cutter July: Cube Sat September: Laser Cutter November: 3D Printer Unscheduled: IOT Fridge Cam Dynamic Vacuum …

Creative Coding Circle @ Dim Sum Labs

Date/Time: Weds 13 Feb 19:00 – 21:00 In February, Dim Sum Labs is proud to host the Creative Coding Circle ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++? What’s the Creative Coding Circle?++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++It’s an open conversation between artists, makers, designers, coders, performers, learners and anyone interested in the use of computing skills for artistic/personal expression. The event is free and open to …

Book Launch : The Field Guide to Hacking

The Field Guide to Hacking

Book by Michelle Poon from Dim Sum Labs In The Field Guide to Hacking, the practises and protocols of hacking is defined by notions of peer production, self-organised communities, and the intellectual exercise of exploring anything beyond its intended purpose. Demonstrated by way of Dim Sum Labs hackerspace and its surrounding community, this collection of …

Project: Dim Sum Robot #2

MicroPython logo

Today we regroup our research on how to flash the MicroPython onto our individual ESP32. Most of us are using computers with Linux installed on it, so the following information is more intended toward this type of configuration rather than a computer running on Windows or IOS. To flash the bin file of the MicroPython …