Made at DSL: laser cut topographical map

After making lots of laser cut boxes, i was wanted to try making a more interesting 3D shape such as a topographical map of my favourite island of Lantau. There are quite a few ways to do this, with the easiest way probably via an STL file but as i’m not familiar with any 3D printing programs …

Made at DSL: power meter over WiFi

DSL gets high electricity bills, that’s why i built an AC power monitor to log the electricity consumption. It is based on the excellent open source OpenEnergyMonitor project which i also use at home (nodes based on Arduino with RF modules). For DSL, i used an ESP8266 to be able to post the data over WiFi straight into the …

Made at DSL: Auduino 4-step sequencer

The traditional Arduino boards, with 8 bits at 16MHz are quite limited for sound processing, but the Auduino code, a ‘lo-fi granular synthesizer’, does generate an interesting sound. I combined this with a 4-step sequencer to produce some loops. Each red pot controls the pitch of its step (pentatonic scale). As the Arduino UNO only …

Hack your Lantern with Laser #1

Lasers and Lanterns for mid-autumn festival at Dim Sum Labs

The Mid-Autumn Festival must be coming up when mooncakes and lantern specials are all around us. Let’s hack the traditional inspiration by re-imagining the handmade lantern with lasers and LEDs!   Workshop Dates: Sunday, Sep-04 1-3pm Sunday, Sep-11 10-12pm Sunday, Sep-11 1-3pm At this workshop, the children and their parents will hack the traditional Mid-Autumn …

Arduino Junior Workshop

Last session of the school year 2015-2016 of the Junior Arduino Workshop

Today was the last of the Arduino workshop for the juniors for this school year. Tomorrow they start their summer holidays time. For their last workshop, they review all they learned and constructed this Lady Bug (cut with the Laser Cutter in the space, decorated by each maker as they desired) controlled by 2 potentiometers …