Presentation: Simple Home Automation Explained

Home Automation

Date / Time: Wednesday 14 Nov, 7:30-9:30pm See how you can perform individual human presence detection and have the house react to it, create lighting and sound atmospheres, measure and visualize sensor data. Using a Raspberry Pi, an Arduino and a time series database connected to various sensors and open source smart home hubs (Node-RED, …

Visit: Sham Shui Po Electronics Markets

Visit of the Electronics markets / shops in Sham Shui Po on Saturday the 3rd of November 2018 at 13:00   Dim Sum Labs group visit to Electronics Markets and Apliu Street Flea Market in Sham Shui Po where we can browse consumer electronics, both new and second hand, and top up on project components …

Visit: Maker Faire Shenzen with Dim Sum Labs

Date and Time: Sat October 13, 9:30-10:00AM Maker Faire Shenzen has finally announced their dates! Lets go along as a Dim Sum Labs group and check it out. *Logisitcs* >> Meeting Point #1: Wan Chai North Temporary Public Transport Interchange – Hong Kong Island – ( We will take the first bus leaving on …

Presentation: Hype Explainers – Machine learning, Deep learning and Artificial intelligence

Date / Time: Thursday, August 30, 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM About Hype Explainers – Lots of techy buzz words, hypes, fashions can be confusing. In this series, we will explain things and take the magic out of hypes in the hope to see the real underlying value that is often so hard to see if watching …

A night at the HK Space Museum with Dim Sum Labs

Aurora at the Hong Kong Space Museum

At long last, the Hong Kong Space Museum has reopened its exhibition halls after a very long period of refurbishment! And its open until 9:00PM! Lets meet & visit the museum together and then go to a place nearby for dinner. Please RSVP if you are coming: Bring your Museum Pass, if you have one. …

Dim Sum Labs Exhibit @ Hong Kong Maker Faire 2018

Maker Monday

The event will be held on 7 and 8 July 2018 at Poly-U with a series of happenings, including exhibitions, workshops, demonstrations and performances. Together we hope to promote “Maker Culture” to the general public, demonstrating creativity, inventiveness and resourcefulness. Dim Sum Labs is oriented towards DIY electronics and low-level programming, often with circuits, robots, …

JCCAC & Sham Shui Po Electronic Market

JCCAC with Dim Sum Labs

Lets meet some other creative types by visiting the Handicraft Fair at the HK Jockey Club’s Creative Arts Centre, followed by a visit to the nearby Electronics Markets in Sham Shui Po. The JCCAC is a renovated 9 storey factory building in Shek Kip Mei where around 150 artists have studios. Each quarter, the Centre …