DimSumLabs Party-o-Meter

*Not working yet*   More to come here, but right now I just needed a location to store the Heineken image so that an Arduino can serve it to people who want to know the party level at DimSumLabs.   When it’s working the Party-o-meter will be located here, at the DimSumLabs router:

The Freaks

Unbelievably, at yesterday’s busy HackJam at DimSumLabs, a band was formed (“The Freaks”) consisting of about half of us playing Ally Wong’s Theremin and half on my laser harp. Our musical repertoire was average at best, mostly sounding like a random cat dying of MIDI guitar powerchord overload, but Led Zeppelin probably sounded like that …

Arcade machine project, Day 0

Here at DSL we all love good old fashioned Arcade games and because we want to run our frogger competitions in style we decided to build our very own arcade machine.  As you can see on the left, we are still at a very early designing state. In terms of software and hardware, we will be running …

Evil Mad Scientist Potion

This was made for the halloween party. Break open a highlighter pen and drop the ink fibre thing into water. Give it about an hour to let the ink diffuse out then stick it near a blacklight (the one pictured was procured from Apliu St for HK$130). Et viola, phosphorescence. For bonus points use the …

Dim Sum Labs Halloween Party

Saturday 3 November, Dim Sum Labs held a Halloween party on the space rooftop. In the words of William Liang, “Great night of voyeurism, apple bobbing, shooting laser at strangers, pinata testing, …”. I’d add to that list, deranged bats, blacklight, glowsticks, bubble guns, BBQ, too much to drink and Let’s Do The TimeWarp Again. …

Our Favorite Suppliers

A local guide to sources for Makers and Hackers in Hong Kong CLICK HERE TO VIEW FULL SCREEN VERSION (originally by Martin Dengler, updated by Jonas S Karlsson)   Online Shops: www.seeedstudio.com (delivers 1-2 days) www.iteadstudio.com (delivers 1-2 days) www.dealextreme.com (delivers ~2 weeks)