MakerMonday Highlights: 2013-05-14

MakerMonday #1 (Urban Farming) Was a Resounding Success!   Thank you to everyone who attended our inaugural MakerMonday.   ChianlySĂ‚ – Dim Sum Labs cannot thank you enough for preparing a wonderful presentation!   The presentation video has been posted to YouTube   The presentation slideshow has been posted to   ??? – Your “own grown” …

HackJam Highlights: 2013-05-07

HackJam 2013-05-07 was a great success!  The room was packed with people planning project, starting projects, working on projects, demonstrating nearly finished projects, evaluating and receiving commercial products and visiting to see what all the excitement was about.  It went great!       HughW leading a NINJA BLOCKS workshop and also a NETDUINO demo …


Every Monday at Dim Sum Labs is MakerMonday where the Arts & Crafts world can come, learn, create and bloom!  We invite makers of all stripes to come on Monday at 8PM and begin achieving their DIY dreams.  We have a full range of tools, experts and space enough to do almost anything you can conceive …

Introduction to Origami, Workshop #1

We will be learning how to create Origami sculptures (e.g. Cranes, Sail boats, …).  We will then introduce the sonobe module to create build-able 3D pieces. Host:  Dennis Tsoi Date:  Saturday, June 15, 2013 Time:  7:00pm to 9:00pm Location:  Dim Sum Labs (see directions in sidebar) Cost: