DimSum Labs joins forces with 3DHubs @DSL, 5 February 2015

First 3D Hubs meetup in Hong Kong This week’s DimsumLabs’ 3D Printing Meetup joins forces with 3D Hubs! Both for 3D-printer owners and anyone interested in 3D-print in general. The goal of the meeting is to share experiences, learn, exchange hints and tips.There is no fee. Just come by, see, hear and talk 3D. Keep …

HackJam – Special Guests Ben Goertzel and David Hanson

Ben Goertzel is really into singularity (http://wp.goertzel.org/), while David Hanson is known for all things robotic (http://www.hansonrobotics.com/). First up is our little chat with Ben – read on for more. Get to know more by stopping by HackJam this Tuesday ! Ben Goertzel >>>>> What were your very first making/hacking moments ? As a kid …

A makers’ night

Some people say there’s not enough making going on at Dim Sum Labs. To which we say, æˆ‘隻氣墊船裝滿晒鱔. Whatever, this was rectified like a diode tonight at a little make-a-thon for the WaveJT LED toy, kits for which were gifted us by the community at SZDIY. Here is a photo of two delicious members and one somewhat …


Back in December, members of Shenzhen’s hackerspace, Chaihuo, and the SZDIY community, visited Dim Sum Labs and awesomely came bearing gifts. We got 10 complete kits for the Color Changing Night Joule Thief and 10 for the WaveJT LED Chaser. They also left us with a few PCBs for the LoL Shield (http://jimmieprodgers.com/kits/lolshield/), an Arduino …

USB GPG Token (FST-01) Workshop and Cryto/Privacy talk

*When:* Friday October 18th, 8.00pm *What:* Learn how to use a USB token for GNU Privacy Guard (GPG) encryption. Instructions on how to install a random number generator on devices such as the FST-01 and the STM8S development kit will be also given. General discussion about privacy and information security will also take place. *Everyone …