HackJam – Special Guests Ben Goertzel and David Hanson

Ben Goertzel is really into singularity (http://wp.goertzel.org/), while David Hanson is known for all things robotic (http://www.hansonrobotics.com/). First up is our little chat with Ben – read on for more. Get to know more by stopping by HackJam this Tuesday ! Ben Goertzel >>>>> What were your very first making/hacking moments ? As a kid …

A makers’ night

Some people say there’s not enough making going on at Dim Sum Labs. To which we say, æˆ‘隻氣墊船裝滿晒鱔. Whatever, this was rectified like a diode tonight at a little make-a-thon for the WaveJT LED toy, kits for which were gifted us by the community at SZDIY. Here is a photo of two delicious members and one somewhat …

Crypto/privacy night at DSL

A busy Dim Sum Labs for Luis Felipe Murillo’s crypto/privacy night. Thanks to Franta and Gniibe for the talks and Luis Felipe for organizing! One thing I (//tom, who feels the Dreamcast was sorely underrated) feel obliged to point out is that Gniibe is literally the guy that made Linux on DC! SO AWESOME to welcome him …

USB GPG Token (FST-01) Workshop and Cryto/Privacy talk

*When:* Friday October 18th, 8.00pm *What:* Learn how to use a USB token for GNU Privacy Guard (GPG) encryption. Instructions on how to install a random number generator on devices such as the FST-01 and the STM8S development kit will be also given. General discussion about privacy and information security will also take place. *Everyone …