Big projects at Dim Sum Labs for 2019

This year at Dim Sum Labs we are going to have one big project every 2 months or so. It already started since last month (February 2019).

The schedule is as follow:

  • February: Spider Robot
  • April: Rocket
  • June: CNC Cutter
  • July: Cube Sat
  • September: Laser Cutter
  • November: 3D Printer
  • Unscheduled:
    • IOT Fridge Cam
    • Dynamic Vacuum Molding
    • Hydroponics

For each project we will not copy an existing product closed or open source. The participants of the project will research, share and then decide together the main functionalities of the product to be built together.

For project such as the CNC Cutter, Laser Cutter, 3D Printer, Vacuum Molding, we will go for a desktop version with an A4 working area or equivalent.

Other project my have their own limitations, but all will be discussed at the time with all participants on the project.

Your input is valuable whether you are an active member of Dim Sum Labs or not. The members will carry the cost of the initial prototype / 1st of production. After the completion of the project all the information, construction, BOM, … will be available on our site.

If you are interested in any of these project(s) please let us know with the form below:

    List of Scheduled Projects you want to participate to:
    Spider Robot (Feb/Mar)Rocket (Apr/May)CNC Cutter (Jun)Cube Sat(Jul/Aug)Laser Cutter3D Printer

    List of Unscheduled Projects you want to participate to:
    IOT Fridge CamDynamic Vacuum MoldingHydroponics


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