Workshop: MaxMSP Crashcourse

MaxMSP crashcourse @dimsumlabs

Let’s build your creative application yourself! MaxMSP is an easy to learn visual programming language that helps you build complex, interactive programs within minutes, and without any prior experience with coding. It has been invented in the 80’s and has become ever since a standard for many creatives. Artists such as Aphex Twin, Radiohead and …

Workshop: Introduction to Arduino – Thursday 28th of March

arduino uno workshop @dimsumlabs

You will learn the basic electronics concepts in a hands-on way, building a project that flashes, beeps and make noises! No electronics or programming experience required. Take home an Arduino compatible board and components to continue your experiments on your own and be able to create fantastic projects. Important Information The workshop last around 2 …

Big projects at Dim Sum Labs for 2019

This year at Dim Sum Labs we are going to have one big project every 2 months or so. It already started since last month (February 2019). The schedule is as follow: February: Spider Robot April: Rocket June: CNC Cutter July: Cube Sat September: Laser Cutter November: 3D Printer Unscheduled: IOT Fridge Cam Dynamic Vacuum …