Arduino Day @DSL, 29 March 2014

arduino day

Arduino, our favourite open source electronics prototyping platform, is celebrating its 10th anniversary! Arduino Day is a worldwide event on Saturday 29 March 2014 bringing together Arduino people and projects.


Dimsum Labs participates by hosting 2 sessions, open to everyone who would like to learn about the Arduino platform.

Date: Saturday 29 March 2014

Venue: Dimsum Labs, 14F, Kong Ling Building, 100 Jervois Street, Sheung Wan


Session1: 10:30 – 13:00

hands-on introduction to Arduino (for beginners)

We’ll introduce you to the basic Arduino setup and terminology, using your laptop to write short programs to control your Arduino. We’ll experiment with some simple hardware such as LEDs, photoresistors, buzzers etc on a breadboard. No specific experience with hardware or software required. You will need to bring your own laptop, and please install the Arduino software (version 1.0.5) in advance.

We provide the hardware components and the Arduino Board, unless you want to bring your own Arduino Board. The fee includes the basic components. If you like to continue your experiments, you can take the Arduino Board home for an additional HKD 200 (Arduino Uno R3) paid in cash after the session.

Session fee: HKD 200 (non-members), HKD 100 (DSL members)

Registration required, max 10 participants.


<lunch break>


Session2: 14:00 – 16:00

Arduino without Arduino (intermediate level)

Arduino is great for prototyping. But once a project is completed, often it is a waste to keep the entire Arduino board in it when all that is really needed is the ATmega microcontroller, without the added bulk and cost of the USB/Serial converter, the power regulator, and the PCB itself. Even the crystal oscillator is oftentimes not needed!
This workshop will teach you how to migrate your project from the Arduino environment to a standalone ATmega microcontroller by:
– building an In-System Programmer (ISP) with Arduino,
– configuring and burning the Arduino bootloader on a brand new ATmega chip
– wiring it up and using it in your project.
The new chip will behave as a normal Arduino and you will be able to upload programs just the way you are used to, with no changes necessary.
You will be required to bring your own laptop, Arduino Board, USB cable, breadboard and jumper wires; we will provide blank a ATmega328P chip for you to program. Make sure you have the Arduino software installed before the workshop starts.
The technique works with your Arduino Uno/Duemilanove/Diecimila with no need for any additional components. If you have an Arduino Leonardo, you will need an additional USB to Serial converter. Feel free to contact me at if you have any enquiries.

Session fee: HKD 150 (non-members), free for DSL members

Registration required, max 10 participants.


Discount for participating in both sessions: HKD 300 (non-members)

Registration+payment through Eventbrite.


See you then!