DSL Junior Makers – electronics workshops for kids

In October we started with a series of electronics workshops for kids. We had a group of 4 kids aged 8-10 and introduced them to electronics and Arduino, by building simple projects connecting components on a breadboard. They built the projects by themselves, based on a drawing showing the connections. We learned about batteries, LEDs, buttons, potentiometers, ultrasonic range sensor, OLED screen, PIR motion sensor etc.


hitminus  rgb pong  IMG_20151210_155108558  IMG_20151219_095243135 (1) IMG_20151219_094117020 (1)   morse

In the first 6 sessions we made (see above pictures):

  • ‘hit minus game’: a 7-segment LED moves according to a pattern, with variable speed, hit the button when the middle segment is on
  • RGB colour mixer: make any colour mixing red, green, blue
  • mini robot: ultrasound range sensor mounted on a servo, displaying distance to nearest object
  • ‘pong game’: single player version of the classic arcade game
  • ‘santa catcher’: motion detection, jingle bells, lights and a servo opening the window
  • morse decoder: practice your morse code skills

We will continue to build exciting projects in 2016 (see some example here)! Contact us if you want to join.

Here are the slides that we used during the workshops.
[slideshare id=56417198&doc=dsljuniors6-151224012517]