ESP8266 wifi for Arduino workshop 15 April 2015

Join the IoT with your Arduino using the ESP8266 wifi module!

The ESP8266 wifi chip has proved very popular over the last few months, enabling us to add relatively cheap wifi to Arduino projects. This workshop will show you how to get the ESP connected to your Arduino board via Software Serial, and how to post Arduino DHT11 sensor data (temperature and humidity) to cloud servers such as and, and, if you wish, send automated tweets from the Arduino based on sensor readings.

Aimed at people who have a bit of experience with Arduino, especially on the coding side (not for absolute beginners).

Bring your own Arduino compatible board with USB cable, your breadboard with a few jumper wires, and your laptop with the Arduino IDE installed. One ESP8266 (version ESP-01) and one DHT11 (temperature and humidity sensor) and wires are included in the workshop fee, see picture.

Workshop will take place at DSL, on Wednesday 15 April from 19:30 till 21:30.

Registration required via Eventbrite, max 10 participants.


esp-thingspeak (1)